About us!
Approximately 8 years ago I was diagnosed and treated several times for kidney stones, the last time, they travelled to my bladder and I had surgery to remove them...It was literally the worst time physically that I've ever had in my life. So I was determined to do extensive research and find the root cause's, Then I contacted my favorite heavy metal singer; Alissa White-Gluz, and she recommended becoming vegan, because she has always been. This solved the issue and I have no problems anymore. I feel great and healthier than ever, and I owe it to her for literally saving my life!
Animal products was the root cause!
This has encouraged me to be determined to spread the word of not only veganism, but to offer only animal cruelty free products to the vegan community.
At ConsciousValues, We're dedicated to the health and well being of our precious planet and it's inhabitants. We strive to only offer products that are completely vegan and animal cruelty free. We take pride in what we offer, to assist in the betterment of our climate, our oceans, our animals! Please do your part!
Thanks for being a valued customer!